Other Games

Other games and events I've designed include:

City Blocks: an ambient board game and collaborative installation: will the grey city or the yellow city be the victor?

Some blocks with houses drawn on them.
City Blocks in the Brighton Lighthouse

Postcard: a system for commissioning tiny works of art over the course of an evening.

Surpass the Parcel: an event-long Pass-the-Parcel variant designed to get people talking.

Cake Hunting: players find clues over the course of the evening, leading the winner to delicious cake.

A lemon and raspberry ice-cream cake.
I make some very nice cakes

The Man Who Was Thursday: an card-trading game where everyone wants to be Thursday.

Asparagus: eat asparagus the Chestertonian way: with tongs, catapults, and dangling from a piece of string.

Confabulous: get rid of your hand of cards showing lines from a dozen different movies by playing them whenever it seems plausible.